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In This Training You Will Learn Insider Strategies From a VC With 8+ Years Experience On How To...

Find, Attract And Connect With Investors & Secure More Pitch Meetings, Even If You Don't Know Anyone

In this free on-demand training you’ll learn:

  • How to find, attract, and connect with investors

  • How to position yourself to get chased by investors

  • Creative strategies to ask for connections

  • How to approach investors with instant rapport

  • How to stand out in your outreach

Watch now and learn the TOP mistakes that 1000's of startup founders made when reaching out to me, and instantly killed their chances of connecting
Your Instructor: Iskender Dirik
Venture Capitalist, Entrepreneur, Executive
Venture Partner
Senior Advisor
Managing Director Samsung NEXT Ventures
Managing Director Microsoft ScaleUp
Managing Director
Managing Director
General Manager
Angel Investor and Founder of (far too) many startups

Register for the training today, and watch at any time!


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